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Baby cats sitting on things.
Posted December 3, 2019 at 1:12 pm

Vote for me over on TWC and you can see Vincent being confused in tomorrow's page, which is normal for him and completely understandable in this comic.

This page was going to be a completely normal "singing in the car" scene, but after looking up the laws on quoting song lyrics within dialog, things are iffy! Very iffy. Fair use gets really complicated when it comes to song lyrics, it seems. That kind of makes sense, though. If you had a book that heavily quoted a song as part of its theme, eventually...you should probably license the song. You'd be using someone else's work. The only real solid legal grounds to use a song is using the title, but you can't sing just "Living on a Prayer" for a whole page. Thus, this page turned into Elias deliberately fucking with the lyrics, which is something he would do anyway. Shout out to Josh Stieglitz for "Kitten on a chair" because I love it.

I think the tension on the previous page is officially broken, which is exactly how I handle situations that get a little too intense as well. This whole comic is just my life story.

Just like Youtube, here's a general plug at the end: Follow me on Instagram or Twitter and support my Patreon if you're so inclined! Social media marketing says I should give you all a call to action, so there's my call and an action :)
