Vote over at TWC and you can see Elias with a cute little ponytail in tomorrow's page
Important! In the interest of my sanity, and because I'm working the election next week and really need to get my life in order before then, I'm going to post this week's pages, and then take off next week! I'll post a nice Halloween art at some point in there, but I need to chill my brain for a week in order to manage my assigned polling location for like, 14 hours on Tuesday. (Polls open at 6am, I have to be there at 5am, we close at 6pm, but then we have to clean up and drop off ballots...I won't be home til 7:30pm likely.) I hope all my American people are voting! Keep the comments generally apolitical, please, I've already turned my brain off and I won't have the attention span to monitor them much this week! I decided two pages this week is just easier, because most people will be preoccupied next week with the election anyway. It's a good time to reread if you need a brain vacation, though!
In the meantime, Malaya is trying to manage the delicate balance of traumatized werewolves and being forced into something like leadership so she doesn't have to move. What a fun time for her! Harvey won't make it easy, which, unfortunately for me, keeps adding so many things into this chapter that was mostly supposed to be about Charlene camping. But we'll get to that soon! I have to meander a bit, first.
I haven't forgotten about my idea for a contest yet! It got a bit waylaid because my life is chaos and I'm trying to get a million things done this month it seems, but we'll come back to it one day! In the meantime, there's new merch up at the Hivemill store. I added some new prints and tshirts finally, so if you like my comic and would like to support me, please go see if there's something you like! The shirts are American Apparel, so size up if you're not sure what size to get. Get 20% off your entire order with the code EARLYHOLIDAY2020 until 11:59 p.m. PT 11/9/2020!

I made a TikTok? I haven't been using it really, but China already knows my whole life at this point anyway.
HTBAW Fandom Wiki is up and running! Thanks to Myk Streja for tons of help with moderation efforts and everyone else who's done a ton of work on adding information and filling out the Wiki. I know nothing about how this stuff works and I'm too old to learn :D.
Feel free to check out my goofy Amazon store if you're so inclined (this is an ad, as I get a tiny commission if you do buy something), or I have some merch up on Society6 if you're looking for my old store link! Thanks to everyone who's come out to support me through Ko-fi and Patreon!