Vote over at TWC and you can see Casey make sense
I realized the other day, being faced with a minor bout of writer's block in regards to how these next few pages would pan out, that I had a perfect opportunity to dive into the core of Tom's character and how his pack formed, etc. This chapter has worked out well for me so far, but I'm not gonna lie, I have written a lot of this on the fly based on just what naturally seems to need to happen next or because of who these characters are. I'm at a point in this story where everyone kind of exists in my brain and they behave in ways I can predict. It's nice! I've been thinking of making short videos for Instagram about writing and my process, because making content for Instagram that's based around art is very time consuming, but talking on camera is a lot easier. Is that of interest to people?
Tote bags, hoodies, tshirts, prints and mugs are all available in the Hivemill store! The hoodies are unisex sizing, but the tshirts run rather fitted, so I recommend sizing up! Book 1 is available in paperback and ebook format, as well as the merch from the Kickstarter :).

HTBAW Fandom Wiki is up and running! Thanks to Myk Streja and ShitaraRen for tons of help with moderation efforts and everyone else who's done a ton of work on adding information and filling out the Wiki. Thank you everyone for contributing and it's an amazing and super detailed resource!
Feel free to check out my goofy Amazon store if you're so inclined (this is an ad, as I get a tiny commission if you do buy something), or I have some merch up on Society6 if you're looking for my old store link! Thanks to everyone who's come out to support me through Ko-fi and Patreon!