Vote over at TWC and you can see thumbnails!
That last panel looks like a great opportunity for Abigail to launch into some backstory, so I hope that's what you're into lol.
Market research time! I have questions! Please give me some insight if you can!
Okay, so I'm trying to prioritize my social media and advertising situation so I can balance making comics, promoting my comics, and not going insane. I'd love your feedback! You're not obligated to answer all of these (or any of them, this is just to help me gauge what's going on with my readers), but whatever you can tell me would be super cool.
-How did you find this comic? (Ad on another Hiveworks comic, social media, Kickstarter, etc.)
-What's the main way you get a reminder about updates for HTBAW? (Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, email, me communicating with you telepathically, etc.)
-Twitter is a bit of a mess, but I have more followers there. Bluesky just opened up to the general public and it seems like a lot of people are jumping over there, but managing both Bluesky and Twitter is a lot from my perspective. How do you use one or both of these platforms if you even do? What are your thoughts about Bluesky over Twitter when it comes to reaching a new audience? I'm currently trying to focus more in Instagram because that's kind of a new audience opportunity, but idk how many of my readers even use Instagram actively.
-Regardless of whether you support me on Patreon or not (thank you if you do!), what might incentivize you to support a creator on Patreon? What kind of content on Patreon makes it worthwhile to you, and how much do you think is a normal contribution?
-Any other insight or opinions you have about social media, comics, art, conventions, whatever. The field has changed a lot since I started this comic, and my demographic is all over the place, so I don't want to go chasing waterfalls if I can stick to the rivers and the lakes that I'm used to, ya know?
Tote bags, hoodies, tshirts, prints and mugs are all available in the Hivemill store! The hoodies are unisex sizing, but the tshirts run rather fitted, so I recommend sizing up! Book 1 is available in paperback and ebook format, as well as the merch from the Kickstarter :).

HTBAW Fandom Wiki is up and running! Thanks to Myk Streja and ShitaraRen for tons of help with moderation efforts and everyone else who's done a ton of work on adding information and filling out the Wiki. Thank you everyone for contributing and it's an amazing and super detailed resource!
Feel free to check out my goofy Amazon store if you're so inclined (this is an ad, as I get a tiny commission if you do buy something), or I have some merch up on Society6 if you're looking for my old store link! Thanks to everyone who's come out to support me through Ko-fi and Patreon!